Dark Reign 2 Downloads

These maps are not new to the forums. However, this topic will gather these maps in one convenient place for download. These maps were all created by the community of Dark Reign 2 and have been ported to Army Men RTS for your enjoyment. While most are vanilla gameplay missions, a few include custom units, rules, or new ways to engage your enemies. Includes 15 Maps and a custom ruleset. They have also been renamed to match the naming convention of the original Dark Reign 2 maps.

Download Link: Description: Dark Reign 2 Despite its powerful and extremely attractive 3D graphics engine, Dark Rei. Dark reign 2 gameplay movie 2 free download - Dark Reign 2 demo, Dark Reign 2 Desert Storm movie, Dark Reign 2 Battle movie (big), and many more programs. Add-ons for Dark Reign 2. Add-ons are modifications to the Dark Reign 2 engine. They can either offer a new feature or change the way an existing feature works. For example, an add-on can make certain controls like the MP3 player easily accessible in the game or it could change keybindings to allow you to zoom out further.

Download links ! You must install all links or else your game may crash !
Dark Reign 2 Community Maps
Deserto Ocean World
Dome World
Jungle World
Sigma World
Extract to your Army Men RTS root directory.2hockey(Formerly hockey2playerByÇŧßÅl-l)
Made by ÇŧßÅl-l.
Two player map. Both sides start with three bulldozers, but no Sarges. You have eight dump trucks and four depots to the sides which will automatically collect resources for you over time. The arena is also very small, making this map an intense and short burst of strategy to outplay your opponent. Towers are particularly strong here, as you can not only block paths, but also the close quarters help bulldozers who have with slow speed. Keep in mind that you can still build a Depot and collect blobs too...
hockey2playerByÇŧßÅl-l.png (6.07 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
hockey2playerByÇŧßÅl-l.png (6.07 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

2persistance(Formerly 2 Persistance Bothsides)
Made by Zemzerret.Dark Reign 2 Downloads
Two player map. Players start with two bulldozers, but no Sarges. There are two Control Panels in the map, one for each player, which upon capture, will activate that player's Deathfield. The Deathfield will provide incredible defense to a careless assault, and can only be deactivated by the destruction of their Control Panel. While there are no resources on the hill, there are Force Doors which when destroyed present new pathways which are much more efficient. Above all else, remember to build defenses near your HQ as well, as the water around the map provides direct access to units that can travel it.
2 Persistance Bothsides.png (24.84 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
2 Persistance Bothsides.png (24.84 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

4badlands(Formerly 4 Badlands)Dark Reign 2 Downloads
Unknown map maker.Files
Four player map. One of the most popular maps from the Dark Reign 2 community. The map itself it very open and empty, allowing easy time for both moving units and constructing buildings. Players have dual taelon pools to start with, and there are additional pools between bases which are well stocked. The hill is also very heavily stocked. Be sure you are able to defend yourself! The only cover you'll be able to hide behind is the small hill directly in front of your base.
4 Badlands.png (27.98 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
4 Badlands.png (27.98 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

Dark Reign 2 Maps Download

4dome(Formerly (4) Dome H {T})
Unknown map maker.
Four player map. Very open and empty map, with plenty of space to move around and build. The large space to cover between north and south makes choppers a good deal on this map. Your neighbor is also fairly close, so you can play SBS if you like. The resource pools between bases have unlimited taelon, but the pools in the four corners are much easier to defend. Some units on this map have been modded.
  1. Dump Truck
    • Maximum capacity increased from 150 to 300.
  2. Guard Tower
    • Firing speed reduced from 0.2 to 0.025
    • Damage against infantry decreased from 5 to 1.25 per shot
    • Damage against vehicles, buildings, and air decreased from 4 to 1 per shot
  3. Taelon Supplies
    • Unloading rate increased from 5 to 17.
(4) Dome H {T}.png (20.12 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
(4) Dome H {T}.png (20.12 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

4sSs(Formerly sSs_4plyr)
Made by Zemzerret.
Four player map. The map is setup as a 2v2 game style, so SBS is not advised here. The wide pathway through the middle is a bit winding, so you should guide your units through it to avoid any traffic. There are two shortcuts that lead directly into the players' bases, however you must destroy the Force Doors on both sides to access them. The shortcuts themselves are watery and crawling with Sludge Beasts, although they are more of a nuisance then a threat... The resources in your base should sustain you, but there are two more sources inside the shortcuts should you need them.
sSs_4plyr.png (31.41 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
sSs_4plyr.png (31.41 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

4strata7(Formerly 4 Strata 7)
Unknown map maker.
Four player map. Players start in a rather confined space to build their base, but it is easy to move out and build elsewhere. There are resource pools directly beside your starting base, as well as in the area between north and south. The open space makes unit movement rather easy, but beware that your base has an entrance through its rear!
4 Strata 7.png (17.04 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
4 Strata 7.png (17.04 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

4world(Formerly 4 World)
Made by Smurfa.
Four player map. Players start with an extra bulldozer. Starting resources are plentyful, and there is a large abundance of taelon in players' bases. Between the large space and resources, early game is very intense and players can turn out a large army very quickly. To help defend against this, players each have their own Falcon Tower. The Falcon Tower has the largest range of any unit and can destroy any target with one shot; although it has a low firing speed. It however cannot be rebuilt or healed once damaged, and can also be sneaked around completely. Players also spawn with a Telepad. It can transport up to 6 units across any distance instantaneously, but only if that spot is visible to your units. Upon teleporting though, it will create a portal which can be entered by friend or foe alike for easy access to your own base. Lastly, this map uses a ruleset called 'Deathmatch', in which a player is only eliminated once all units are dead, so don't leave anyone alive!
4 World.png (26.26 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
4 World.png (26.26 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

5custom3v2(Formerly 5 Custom 3v2 AntiS)
Made by сиTшG.
Five player map. The map is setup as a 2 vs 3 game, but can also be played SBS. The two bases at the north start with some extra resources to help fight against the extra south player. There are additional resource pools in the four corners, and there are also two more pools along the edges of the map between north and south.
5 Custom 3v2 AntiS.png (36.91 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
5 Custom 3v2 AntiS.png (36.91 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

6highlow(Formerly (6) High & Low)
Unknown map maker.
Six player map. Players spawn in an enclosed space, with only two easy to defend entrances. However, these bases can easily be assaulted from any angle by air units. Taelon resources drain very quickly in this map, so you'll have to fortify one of the extra pools outside fairly quickly to survive. Prototype Garages can be built from the Bulldozer. These garages can turn out a Juggernaught which acts as a super charged DumDum; self-destructing with an extremely powerful and large range explosion. The layout of the terrain between bases is very varied, with differing paths allowing for easy mine placement and chokepoints. There are also Public Telepads around for slower units to traverse quickly, such as the previously mentioned Juggernaught...
(6) High & Low.png (20.82 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
(6) High & Low.png (20.82 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8dumbrush(Formerly 8 Dumb Rush)
Made by the MøJö²GجFòrévèr« clan.
Eight player map. Between the tight-knit starting locations, abundant taelon, and small map size, this is a very long and intense game. The game is generally setup as a 4 vs 4, 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2, or even SBS is also pretty viable. The extreme hills in the middle also can make for great cover and chokepoints.
8 Dumb Rush.png (28.16 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
8 Dumb Rush.png (28.16 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8grave(Formerly 8 Grave)
Made by Satz.
Eight player map. Players start next to each other in pairs of two, allowing SBS format to be played. Your starting taelon is located inside a little plateau next to you, and should be generally fairly easy to defend. The wide pathways connecting all four spawns has plenty of small resource pools along their lengths, with the hill containing the largest. There are also narrow secondary paths that connect the spawn directly to each other, which can lead to some very interesting assault strategies. Be sure to watch out for mines!
8 Grave.png (29.63 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
8 Grave.png (29.63 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8makkengorge(Formerly makkengorge_8plyr)

Dark Reign 2 Demo

Made by Zemzerret.
Eight player map. Bases are placed fairly close together, so if you do not choose to play 4 vs 4, then it would be best to start in opposite corners, or on different sides of the river. There are a few small resource pools around the spawn areas, but the larger pools exist along the large river down the middle. There are also two resource pools inside the river in the corners of the map.
makkengorge_8plyr.png (30.03 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
makkengorge_8plyr.png (30.03 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8pillars(Formerly pillars_2v2v2v2(se)[8plyr])
Dark Reign 2 DownloadsMade by Zemzerret.
Eight player map. A very large map with lots of custom elements to keep games interesting. Players start with all eight heroes, and also spawn in pairs of two. The close spawn locations and heroes make SBS a poor idea. All eight players have a Prototype Garage which, when captured, will turn out Juggernaughts. Juggernaughts act as super charged DumDums. Slowing moving units, they produce extremely large and powerful explosions. Players bases also start with a Retributor Obelisk. They have very large range and will act as a last line of defense against a rush. Alternatively, they can keep escaping enemies in check during an SBS game... Destroying the Defense Controls will also destroy the obelisk. Each of the four quadrants are connected through the center, which is blocked by Force Doors. There are telepads which allow you to sneak past the Force Doors though. The center also has four prisons. When you destroy the Control Panels, you may capture the prisoners for yourself and boost your ranks. You will also start with a pair of JDA Sentry Guns located in the center, which are extremely damaging turrets which will stop careless assaults. Lastly, there is a very large Fission Control in the center. Destroying the rods around it will cause it to self-destruct.
pillars_2v2v2v2(seII)[8plyr].png (26.98 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
pillars_2v2v2v2(seII)[8plyr].png (26.98 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8snowycanyon(Formerly 8 Snowy Canyon)
Unknown map maker.
Eight player map. An asymmetric map, each base has a different space to occupy. There are a total of 16 resource pools, one in each spawn, and one close by to each spawn. The east and west of the map is divided by a very large trench, which can be climbed into and out of to attack, or can also be traversed via the two bridges at the north and south ends.
8 Snowy Canyon.png (31.74 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
8 Snowy Canyon.png (31.74 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

8tbone(Formerly (2-8) T-Bone Extreme)
Unknown map maker.
Eight player map. The 'T-Bone' map layout was fairly popular in the Dark Reign 2 community. The two bases at the north spawn fairly regularly, with lots of space to build, and plenty of taelon. The two pairs of three bases at the south however, spawn in very close quarters and a very large pool of taelon. The bases are fairly too close for SBS, so the best style of play involves those where the six bases are allied in either 1 vs 1 vs 3 vs 3, or 2 vs 3 vs 3.
(2-8) T-Bone Extreme.png (26.39 KiB) Viewed 1097 times
(2-8) T-Bone Extreme.png (26.39 KiB) Viewed 1097 times

Special thanks to those who helped me take screenshots!
  • Firehawk894
  • D.EADC|IT/Y / Coco
  • codygaming97
  • Romny Hasagawa

Dark Reign 2 patch v1.2

This will bring your Dark Reign 2 up to version 1.2. See more info for details on new features.

Dark Reign 2, 1.2 patch

This document contains a list of bug fixes for Dark Reign 2.

### This patch requires the v1.1 patch to have already been installed ###

Dark Reign 2 v1.2 Patch Size: 1 MB

Installation Instructions:

To upgrade your version of Dark Reign 2, simply download dr2_1_2.exe (1 mb) and double-click it. Click on Setup. Then click on “Install The Patch” to continue the installation.

Under 'Location of system to patch' it will normally update Dark Reign 2's installation in the following directory:

C:Program FilesDark Reign 2.

If you have not changed your installation directory, then click Apply Patch. If you have a custom installation directory for Dark Reign 2 then select '...' to browse to your installation folder if the current directory is incorrect. After you have selected your appropriate installation folder for Dark Reign 2 then click Apply Patch.

After the installation is complete you can then launch Dark Reign 2 and take advantage of the updated functionality.


The update will work for all Microsoft Windows 95/98 CD-ROM versions of Dark Reign 2 that have already already been patched with the v1.1 patch. It will not upgrade Dark Reign 2 from the release version 1.0 to version 1.2.

Minimum System Requirements:

Windows® 95 or Windows® 98

Pentium® II 233 Mhz processor

64 MB of RAM

Requires 550 MB of uncompressed disk space for game files, plus an additional 100 MB for the Windows swap file

100% DirectX® 7.0a compliant 4MB 2D Card (or 2D capable 3D card*) and Drivers

100% DirectX 7.0a compliant 3D Card and Drivers **

100% DirectX 7.0a compliant true 16-bit sound card and Drivers

100% Windows 95/98 compatible Quad speed CD-ROM drive (600k/sec sustained transfer rate) and Drivers

100% Windows 95/98 compatible mouse or trackball and Drivers

100% Windows 95/98 compatible keyboard

Requires DirectX 7.0a (included) or higher

Requires Winsock 2

Multiplayer Minimum System Requirements:

Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported

Internet play requires a 100% Windows 95/98 compatible 28.8 Kbps (or faster) modem and Drivers

LAN play (and high-speed Internet play over DSL and cable modems) requires a 100% Windows 95/98 compatible network interface card and Drivers

Supported Chipsets for Windows 95/98***

3DFx Banshee

3DFx Voodoo 2

Dark Reign 2 Downloads Utorrent

3DFx Voodoo 3

ATI Rage 128

Matrox G200

Matrox G400



Dark Reign 2 Download Full Game


NVIDIA GeForce 2

* Some 3D cards do not have refined 2D capabilities. Your 3D card may meet this requirement without the need for additional hardware. Please contact your 3D card manufacturer for further information on your card's capabilities.

** 3D Accelerator Card Required - A 100% DirectX 7.0a (or higher) compliant 3D video card and driver with z-buffering capability is Required to play Dark Reign 2. Dark Reign 2 uses Microsoft's Direct3D to support 3D hardware acceleration. It has been tested on many, but not all of the major cards incorporating the chipsets whose names are listed above. Some 3D accelerator card brands utilizing the chipsets whose names are listed above may not be fully compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Dark Reign 2. For a full list of cards and drivers that have been tested, please visit http://www.activision.com.

*** Some, but not all of the cards with the chipsets above have been tested on Windows 2000. For Windows 2000 3D Support, please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 7.0a (Direct 3D) compliant Windows 2000 Drivers.

Bug Fixes:

1. Fixes problem with 6 or more players trying to startup a multiplayer game and the game disappearing from the list after the 5th player has joined the game, if map was chosen before all players entered game.

2. Fixes problem with 8 or more players being able to start a multiplayer game.